CS Department Overview

Computer science is the second most popular major at Missouri S&T (after mechanical engineering), and that's not even counting the enrollment in related fields such as computer engineering and information technology. Moreover, computing technologies are now the fabric of everyday life.

The computer science department has awarded over 2,100 bachelor of science degrees and 1,100 master of science degrees. Department faculty have also directed dissertations for over 70 Ph.D. degrees. Computer science graduates work as database administrators for a variety of technological corporations, develop cutting-edge applications for mobile devices, automate manufacturing processes, and have even generated an interface for astronauts to monitor conditions on the International Space Station.


History of Computer Science at Missouri S&T

Missouri S&T was one of the first universities in the nation to offer computer science instruction – computer classes were offered by both the math and electrical engineering departments in the early 1960s. A Masters of Science degree in Computer Science was authorized by the university in 1964. Two students, Larry Clark and Robert DeLozier, were the very first graduates to earn that degree in 1965, and thousands more have graduated since.


Vision, Mission, & Objectives

The mission of the Computer Science Department at Missouri University of Science and Technology is to help students reach their full potential by providing them the knowledge and preparation necessary to meet the challenges of designing and developing computing software systems and algorithms.  Students receive excellent technical education as well as learning experiences specifically designed to develop the problem solving skills so necessary for success in the computing profession.

To fulfill this mission, the Computer Science Department at Missouri University of Science and Technology strives for excellence in providing students with the highest quality

- Classroom learning experiences
- Leading edge research experiences (undergraduate & graduate)
- Learning experiences outside the classroom (internships, co-ops, field-trips, business/industry interactions, etc.)
- Professional experience (professional organizations, interaction w/ professionals at both on and off campus activities)
- Credential of graduating from a department that is highly respected in the world of computing

The basic philosophy of the department, relative to the undergraduate program, is to require a broad general education, which includes at least 20 semester credit hours in mathematics (beyond algebra/trigonometry) and at least 50 semester credit hours in Computer Science. The minimum number of credit hours needed to graduate is 128.There are numerous undergraduate courses in Computer Science from which to choose. The nature of the program is such that an ACT Composite Score of 24 or better is strongly advised.

At the M.S. level, the department philosophy is to have the student take a substantial fraction of his or her work in one of the principal areas. The student may choose the thesis or no thesis option. Our current student population boasts a GRE quantitative score of 730 and a written score of 4.5.

At the Ph.D. level, the student has the flexibility to build a study plan to suit his/her individual interests.  However, there are certain subjects that are common to all areas of emphasis. These courses will form a unifying theme in the study plans.