in Computer Science
As a doctoral student in the computer science program, you'll be expected to pass a comprehensive oral and written examination, as well as complete a research dissertation.
When applying for the program, you will have to submit a letter outlining tentative research interests and career goals along with GRE verbal, quantitative and analytical writing test scores. Admission into the Ph.D. program in Computer Science is granted by majority vote of the computer science graduate faculty, demonstration of supervisory interest by a faculty member, and approval of the vice provost of graduate education.
If you do not already have a graduate degree, in most cases you will be required to complete a Master of Science in computer science before entering the Ph.D. program. In select cases, you may be admitted into the Ph.D. program with just a undergraduate degree, but only at the discretion of department faculty. You will be expected to meet all requirements for both the M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Examination schedules for the Ph.D. program will apply.
Visit the Graduate and International Admissions website for more information on admission requirements. You can also visit our CS Catalog page to find more specific requirements set forth by our department.
1. Strong math skills
2. Competency in a modern programming language
3. Computer science core including:
* Algorithms & Data Structures
* Computer Organization/Architecture
* Database & File Structures
* Discrete Mathematics & Automata
* Operating Systems
* Software Engineering
To pass the Ph.D. qualifying examination, you must pass both a written and oral examination. The oral portions of the qualifying examination may each be taken no more than twice.
The Ph.D. qualifier consists of two parts.
You must present and receive approval of your research proposal before beginning research for your dissertation. An appropriate time for the presentation would be during the oral portion of the comprehensive exam.
You will also need to request permission at least two weeks prior to presenting your final dissertation so an announcement can be sent to the program's graduate faculty.
Graduate Coordinator
Computer Science Department
Missouri University of Science and Technology
500 West 15th Street
325 Computer Science Building
Rolla, MO 65409-0350
Phone: 573-341-4491
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