Experiential Learning Graduation Requirement

Every undergraduate in Computer Science must complete the Experiential Learning graduation requirement. The intent of this requirement is to encourage our students to pursue Computer Science opportunities outside of the classroom. There are many options available to complete this requirement, listed below. This requirement can be completed at any time during the undergraduate program of study, so it is suggested that the paperwork be filled out as soon as the experience has ended. There are two parts, the Reflection and the Assessment. The assessment is written by the student and submitted to the department (please read the below reflection format for guidance). It will be reviewed and possibly require revisions. You must also have your Experiential Learning Supervisor complete the Assessment. Have your supervisor follow the link below.

If you have any questions about the Experiential Learning requirement, please contact the Computer Science department at csdept@mst.edu.

CS Experiential Learning Implementation

All students must complete a reflection on their experiential learning. Once completed, it must be submitted to csdept@umsystem.edu.

At the top of each typed reflection you must include the following:

(1) Student Name, (2) Student ID #, (3) Faculty Advisor, (4) Semester Activity Completed & (5) Experiential Learning Activity. 


For example on what to consider for your reflection:

  • Software Development Internship/Co-Op:
    • 1. Describe your foundational understanding of the Software Development Process in the context of your internship.
    • 2. How has your internship expanded your understanding of how to best use software development methodologies and tools?
    • 3. Describe in what ways your degree program has well prepared you for your internship and also how you feel that we should improve our degree program to better prepare students for similar internships in the future.
    • 4. Describe how the experiences gained in your internship contribute to your understanding of a potential future career as a Software Developer.
  • S&T's OURE program requires a Reflection on the Learning Experience which addresses the following four items:
    • 1. Describe your foundational understanding of how research is conducted in your discipline.
    • 2. How have you expanded your understanding of the informational resources available and how to best use these resources?
    • 3. Describe the knowledge you have gained regarding the fundamentals of experimental design.
    • 4. Describe how you have learned to interpret the results of your research project.
  • ACM SIG-Security Cyber Defense Team Reflection on the Learning Experience:
    • 1. Describe your foundational understanding of cyber security prior to this experiential learning.
    • 2. How have you expanded your understanding of cyber security (e.g., reverse engineering, digital forensics, information security, code exploitation, website security, cryptography, etc.) through engaging in a SIG-Security team?
    • 3. Describe in which ways your degree program has well prepared you for capture the flag competitions, penetration testing, or cyber defense competitions?
    • 4. How do you feel that your degree program should better prepare students for similar activities in the future?
    • 5. Describe how the experiences gained by engaging in SIG-Security teams has prepared you for a potential future career in cyber security.

The supervisor of your CO-OP/Internship must fill out the assessment below.


However, some activities do not require an Assessment. They are:

  • COMP SCI 4097/4092
  • COMP ENG 4097
  • COMP SCI 5001
  • COMP SCI 2002
  • Study Abroad
  • CS Ambassador

If your experiential learning did not fall into one of the above categories, send the Assessment to your supervisor. The Student ID field is not required.

Experiential Learning Option Supervisor/Faculty to Assess
Designated Experiential Learning Courses: COMP SCI 4097, COMP ENG 4097, COMP SCI 5001 - Comp Sci Entrepreneurship No Assessment Required
COMP SCI 2002 - Cooperative Work Training No Assessment Required
Undergraduate Research Faculty Research Advisor
SDLEC recognized Student Design Team Student Design Team Faculty Advisor
Active participating member for at least one full semester of: ACM Programming Team, ACM SIG-Security Cyber Defense Team (CCDC, CPTC, or M57), ACM SIG-Hack Competition Team, ACM SIG-Web Developer Team, or ACM SIG-Game Developer Team Team Faculty Advisor/Coach
Active participating member for at least one full semester of: ACM-W, ACM, ACM SIG-Security, ACM SIG-Competition, ACM SIG-Game, ACM SIG-Hack, ACM SIG-Web, IEEE-CS, TIES, or UPE Student Organization Faculty Advisor
Internship/co-op/externship Supervisor
Study Abroad No Assessment Required
ITRSS Student Employee Supervisor
CS Ambassador No Assessment Required
Service Learning: Member of Engineers without Borders or Habitat for Humanity Service Learning Team/Organization Advisor
Student Success Coach, Peer Learning Assistant, On-Track Mentor, Opening Week Mentor, COMP SCI 1580/1585/1982 Lab Tutor Supervisor
Resident Assistant, Programming Resident Assistant, Chancellors Leadership Academy Advisor, Peer Involvement Advisor, Miner Mentor, Joe's P.E.E.R.S., Health Related Careers Mentoring Program, Admissions Ambassador, PRO Leader Supervisor
Global Leaders Institute, Chancellor's Leadership Academy, Student Leadership Conference Chair, University Innovation Fellow Supervisor
ROTC Supervisor
One full semester of grading for a computer science class Faculty supervisor