Graduate Track Pathway (GTP) in Computer Science
Do you know what you are doing after graduation?
If you are looking for a job, or you are considering graduate school, read on!
Undergraduates currently in any major at Missouri S&T can apply to the CS GTP.
You may be a CS majors or non-CS major.
We welcome applicants completing their BS in Math, EE, CE, Bio, Engineering, etc.
Students can choose either an accelerated MS (4+1) or PhD (accelerated).
The GTP in Computer science was designed to help our S&T undergraduates accelerate through a graduate degree,
which improves your prospects at a rewarding job in any field, including: industry, national labs, or academia.
It allows students to transfer extra undergraduate credit hours from their Missouri S&T bachelor's degree,
to their Computer Science graduate degree.
Benefits include:
* Finish sooner: A student can achieve both degrees more efficiently and quickly than if pursuing the degrees separately.
* Saving money: The credit hours taken as part of the pathway may be taken at the lower undergraduate tuition rate.
* Skip the GRE: The GRE test is not required for admission.
* Double-count 5000-level or above Computer Science coursework, in both the Missouri S&T bachelor's degree and their Computer Science graduate degree. Double-counted hours for the MS are 9cr, and PhD are 12cr.
* Two options for the MS: MS-Thesis (research) or MS-Non-thesis (coursework only) options are both available (you choose).
* For either the MS-Thesis or PhD, get a head-start on research (finish thesis sooner):
If you choose research, then work on a project may begin before the bachelor degree requirements are completed.
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