Graduate Track Pathway

Graduate Track Pathway (GTP): BS+MS or BS+PhD

Graduate Track Pathway (GTP) in Computer Science

Do you know what you are doing after graduation?
If you are looking for a job, or you are considering graduate school, read on!
Undergraduates currently in any major at Missouri S&T can apply to the CS GTP.
You may be a CS majors or non-CS major.
We welcome applicants completing their BS in Math, EE, CE, Bio, Engineering, etc.

Students can choose either an accelerated MS (4+1) or PhD (accelerated).

The GTP in Computer science was designed to help our S&T undergraduates accelerate through a graduate degree,
which improves your prospects at a rewarding job in any field, including: industry, national labs, or academia.
It allows students to transfer extra undergraduate credit hours from their Missouri S&T bachelor's degree,
to their Computer Science graduate degree.

Benefits include:
* Finish sooner: A student can achieve both degrees more efficiently and quickly than if pursuing the degrees separately.
* Saving money: The credit hours taken as part of the pathway may be taken at the lower undergraduate tuition rate.
* Skip the GRE: The GRE test is not required for admission.
* Double-count 5000-level or above Computer Science coursework, in both the Missouri S&T bachelor's degree and their Computer Science graduate degree. Double-counted hours for the MS are 9cr, and PhD are 12cr.
* Two options for the MS: MS-Thesis (research) or MS-Non-thesis (coursework only) options are both available (you choose).
* For either the MS-Thesis or PhD, get a head-start on research (finish thesis sooner):
If you choose research, then work on a project may begin before the bachelor degree requirements are completed.

Graduate Track Pathway Q&A

Apply during your last undergraduate semester, but talk to the GTP advisor earlier!
At the latest, you must complete the application 30 days prior to completing your BS degree.

Anytime during your CS degree.

For the MS:

* Must be active in a bachelor’s degree program at Missouri S&T.
* Must meet the eligibility requirements of the MS in CS.
* A minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
* A minimum GPA of at least 3.5 in Computer Science courses taken.

For the PhD:

* Must be active in a bachelor’s degree program at Missouri S&T.
* Must meet the eligibility requirements of the PhD in CS.
* A minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.5.
* A minimum GPA of at least 3.75 in Computer Science courses taken.

You must get a B or higher in each GTP shared credit course, and remain in good academic standing!

Complete these steps:

0. Meet with the GTP advisor to plan your application:

1. You must submit an official application to the graduate school via <>.
Make sure to select the Graduate Track Pathway (GTP) option in the application!

2. Then, we will admit you, and you will be sent a link to the GTP course selection form.
In that form, you will declare which courses are to be treated as shared credit.

You do not need letters of recommendation for the non-thesis GTP.
They are waived during the application processing.

You do need letters of recommendation for the MS-Thesis or PhD GTP program.

Yes, this option is possible! Our graduate students can apply for salaried GTA or GRA contract positions, as well as grader positions, though none are guaranteed (ask for details). You can make a living as a graduate student.

For details of GTA and GRA positions, see the stipend X page: 

Only if you are doing the PhD or MS-Thesis option, do you coordinate with an advisor before applying. The default advisor for the MS-Non-Thesis is Dr. Taylor.

Yes, students who have a small number of hours left in their undergraduate degree may choose to take extra graduate-only courses at the same time, via the dual-enrollment mechanism. You can do both dual-enrollment, and the GTP concurrently. 

If you would like to demonstrate a sub-specialty, like security, networking, AI, etc., then you may be interested in using your existing courses to create a certificate.

To see the list of possible certificates in Computer Science, see:
While this link shows the current list of certificates, it does not display all the required courses for each certificate.
To see the up-to-date courses satisfying each certificate, request a "degree audit" for that certificate in Joess.

These certificates can be combined with the GTP program, with courses double-counting for the MS/PhD and certificate.
Without taking any extra courses, you can obtain a graduate certificate as well.

Email Dr. Taylor <> or stop by to ask him questions in person.