In order to successfully enter the Computer Science Program, the student must first enroll into First Year Experience. Once they have completed all of the requirements (listed below), they can transfer into the Computer Science Department.
Undergraduate CS students with an S&T in-major GPA of 3.0 or higher who have attained at least sophomore standing (>= 32 credit hours) counting on-campus credit hours only, have the option, if they so desire, to declare a departmental focus area of interest in order to be assigned an advisor working in that area, capacity permitting.
If you are currently undeclared and qualify for declaring, then you can declare by completing the Undergraduate Advising Form as indicated and submitting it to ( ). You only need to use the Undergraduate Advising Long Form if you:
(a) want to go from undeclared to declared status and specify a specific advisor,
(b) want to remain in declared status with the same focus area but change advisor,
(c) want to remain in declared status but change focus area,
(d) want to go from declared status to undeclared status.
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