Welcome New Faculty!

female, head to shoulders picture

Ms. Ce Zhou is joining us from Michigan State University. She is a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University and her research focuses on cybersecurity and networking, with a particular emphasis on the security of autonomous vehicles, AI security, and network resource allocation.

Welcome Ce Zhou!

male, head to shoulder picture

Mr Junjie Xiong is joining the department from the University of South Florida. He is a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida. His research is centered on the intersection of Network, Security, and AI.

Welcome Junjie Xiong!

male, head to shoulder picture

Mr. Xiaowei Yu is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington. His research interests primarily focus on two crucial topics: 1) Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Biomedical and Health Sciences: I’m dedicated to developing cutting-edge AI technologies, such as the Transformer and Large Language Models, to analyze medical data, with the primary objective to explore the foundational organizational principles of human brain and investigate various brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s Disease. 2) Brain Inspired AI: I focus on integrating insights from neuroscience to design advanced AI systems that have human-level or even higher intelligence.

Welcome Xiaowei Yu! 

Open Faculty & Staff Positions


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Computer science is in critical demand and the core of our modern world.

Are you interested in programming self-driving cars or learning how to prevent the next cyber-attack? Is computer networking, creating mobile apps or data-mining of special interest to you? Consider digging deeper into your own skill-set and creativity by joining the first, and best, Computer Science program in the state.

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Academic Programs

  • Undergraduate Degrees
  • Graduate Degrees
  • Graduate Certificates


  • Systems and Networking
  • Cyber Security
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
  • Theory and Quantum Computation
  • High-Performance and Cloud Computing

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