Data Science and AI

Data science is a growing field of understanding the world through data mining and deep learning and reasoning/artificial intelligence. Research Themes are Urban Infrastructures, Image Analysis and Computer Vision, Machine learning, Real-time scheduling, Heuristic Problem Solving. Four T/TT and 2 NTT Teaching faculty have at least a 50% commitment in Data Science. The work is funded by NSF, Dept of Transportation, DOE, and some industrial support ($1.7M).  Recent awards to junior faculty have increased this figure.

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Interested in discussing the research we are working on or learning more? Please contact:

Dr. Sanjay Madria

Curators' Distinguished Professor and Associate Chair for Research

Areas of Interest

Mobile Data Management, Cloud computing, Cyber Security, Wireless computing and Data Analytics.

Dr. Tony Luo

Associate Chair for Academic Affairs & Associate Professor

Areas of Interest

Trustworthy Artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (machine learning, cybersecurity, IoT)

Dr. Ricardo Morales

Director of Professional Graduate Programs and Associate Teaching Professor

Areas of Interest

Introduction to Programming with C++, Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics For Computer Science, and Algorithms

Dr. Venkata Sriram Siddhardh Nadendla

Assistant Professor and Associate Chair of Academic Affairs

Areas of Interest

Cyber-Physical-Human Systems; Statistical Inference & Machine Learning; Nudge & Persuasion; Security, Fairness, Transparency and Trust

Dr. Ardhendu Tripathy

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest

Statistical Learning Theory, Adaptivity in Machine Learning

Dr. Satish Puri

Associate Professor

Areas of Interest

Parallel and Distributed Computing, High Performance Computing, GPU Computing, Similarity Search

Dr. Huiyuan Yang

Assistant Professor

Dr. Suman Maity

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest

Social Computing, Science of Science, Social NLP, Responsible Machine Learning