In a Client-Server system, data transmission from server to client can be performed in two ways: Pull-Based and Push-Based. In Pull-Based transmission, client sends requests to server to ask for data. In Push-Based transmission, server pushes data to client.
One kind of Client-Server systems is called Asymmetric Communication System, where the downstream (server to client) communication capacity is much greater than the upstream (client to server) capacity. In such system, it is believe that the broadcast is an efficient way to transmit data from server to client. Wireless network is such a system.
How to schedule data to broadcast is of importance in the overall system performance. Right now, most researches are focusing on either Pull-Based system or Push-Based system. However, fully pushed-based broadcast may not be useful for some clients, and fully pull-based broadcast may not be efficient. We are considering to combine scheduling for these two systems to make it to be of practicability.
There are some ideas for consideration:
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