News Items

Possible ransomware attack closes Jackson County offices for second day

Jackson County offices were closed for a second day on Wednesday after its information technology systems were disrupted by a possible ransomware attack. Read more...

S&T awarded $1.4 million from Army Corps to develop AI-based program for 3D printing concrete

Jul 27, 2023: A Missouri S&T research team led by Dr. Kamal Khayat has been awarded $1.4 million from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to develop an artificial intelligence program that will determine the best locally-available materials for 3D-printed concrete. Read more...

S&T student receives international accolades for research

Jan 12, 2023: When winter break begins, students at many universities may breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Missouri S&T student Arindam Khanda, however, does not fit this description, and he has the accolades to prove it. Read more...

Midwestern researchers bet the farm on ag connectivity projects

Jul 20, 2022: Emerging agricultural technologies are designed to improve farm productivity and sustainability. But much modern agtech needs wireless connectivity to produce optimal results, and service is often lacking in rural areas. Iowa and Missouri researchers are among those aiming to improve rural broadband to make farming safer, more efficient, and more sustainable. Read more...

Smart, connected farms could assist agricultural hazard management

Jun 13, 2022: Farming communities face many threats to their livelihood – pest migration, disease spore dispersal, adverse weather and weed spread to name a few. Researchers at Missouri S&T are developing infrastructure for smart and connected farms to improve timely data sharing so that communities can better respond to production threats that expand beyond individual farm boundaries. Read more...

Computer science professor named distinguished alumnus

Oct 5, 2021: Dr. Sajal Das, professor and the Daniel St. Clair Endowed Chair of Computer Science, is a 2021 Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Distinguished Alumnus Awardee. Read more...

Researchers Eye Machine Learning to Secure IoT Data

Apr 5, 2021: Researchers at the Missouri University of Science and Technology are examining how machine learning might secure IoT data. The National Science Foundation is funding work to create new federated learning algorithms. Sajal Das, the Daniel C. St. Clair chair of computer science at Missouri S&T, and Tony Luo, an associate professor of computer science, lead the effort. Read more...

Missouri S&T developing first user-friendly software platform to update dynamic networks

Jul 12, 2021: Researchers at Missouri S&T are developing a new approach for updating dynamic networks – like those used to track viruses, connect people on social media and coordinate transportation systems – that they say is the first scalable, expandable and user-friendly solution to analyze who is using the network, where they are, and what information and channels they access. Software programs that analyze static networks are available, but researchers say a lack of cyberinfrastructure hampers innovative research in large-scale, complex, dynamic networks. Read more...

The hackers are out there. You could be next

Jul 14, 2021: If the hackers haven’t targeted you yet, they probably will soon. The ag and food industries aren't immune, and it’s best to be ready. That’s the message from cybersecurity experts for those in the food and agriculture industry, who are now on high alert because of recent ransomware attacks targeting the Colonial Pipeline and JBS, the nation’s largest meatpacker. Read more...